Hey there...I am writing this post for my future GF (if I have one later). You know life between two people is hard. It needs consistent toleration and understanding between two parties. If one party only has those, it will become a problem because it is called abused. I let you to know some of my thoughts and behaviors so that we are not going to fight because fighting is a micro crack which later will lead to a major crack.
First, thank you for letting me into your life. I really appreciate it. When you are with me, I expect you to give your best shot because I do that.I always want to do the best so that I do not regret if something bad happens in the future.
Do not lie to me. Once you lie, I will not trust you anymore. I begin to feel everything you tell me after that is another lie. Believe me.
If you have someone better, tell me. I will not holding you back because you deserve the best to spend your life with.
Do not yell or scream or what so ever when you are angry. It leads me to lose my respect to you. Yeah, you can be angry but tell me properly because I will understand.
Do not be so cold when you are sad or angry because I take that as an indication you are not interested anymore. I will walk away. I am not a beggar who will beg for something.
This is slightly embarrassing but I have to tell it. Make me feel important.
I respect your interests so I expect you do the same.
Am I asking too much from you? As time goes by I will learn about you more and more. I hope I wont lose respect to you because there is a saying says that "the more you know a person, the less respect you have to him.".