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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Must obey

Good evening to my grandchildren.Well if you notice , lately I always update the blog because I have free time.About 2 more weeks before my post graduate class starts.Once it is started, I hardly have time to write the blog.So now is the time to write.When I was young,I couldn't wait to grow up so that my parents can't tell me what to do and what not to do.If I did things that they prohibited,I had a great chance to be punished. I was quite a naughty boy and that explains why things that I wanted to do mostly were dangerous.Thanks God my parents were firm in nurturing me.I thought the chain would be lifted as I am an adult but I was wrong.Now my parents do not control me anymore but far greater person who I respect the most in my life tells me what can be done and what should not be done.Will I be punished if I do not follow?Oh yeah.He is not the one who punishes me but for sure I will be punished.=_=".Today my friends did things that I am prohibited to do.I really wanted to join them but I clearly remember the person said "You should not do that".I still remember his face and expression.Casually but firm.Only God knows what was going on in my mind when my friends were enjoying themselves.I said to myself "Must...obey...what...he...says...for my own good".Half of me,oh nope,come to think that,not half but one third of me really wanted to join them but the other two third said "No".The chain...the came back to me..arghh..I started to pay attention to details,not to do wrong things purposely.My breath,my sight,my mind, in short everything must be at the correct place.I do not think you will understand now but trust me one day when the time comes,I will tell you.What is the time now?Bedtime!!!I'm off to bed now.See you later.Taaa

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