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Friday, December 16, 2011

Me no gentleman

Good morning. Yar...I am here to write so be prepared to read. First of all I want to clarify that I am not a sexist okay. This is just my point of view so if you have other ways of looking it,I am fine. About a week ago I went to one of the most famous cities in my country. I planned to hang out with some friends at a shopping mall. I am not used to the roads there so I took public transport which was Light Railway Train. I learnt and studied their routes carefully. Like study for exam. I had to take two trains to reach there. The first train had quite many people in it yet everything went on smoothly until I needed to take another train to the shopping mall. A problem emerged. I waited at the platform and I saw a train was approaching. O yeah as the door was opening, I saw so many people inside it. I tried to choose other couch for less people but sad to say I as a man had very little choice. Imagine like this. There are 10 couches but only 4 of them for unisex and the remains are for women. The best part was women are allowed to enter the couches for unisex but men are not permitted to enter the women couches. That is so unfair. My expression was like ~_~". What on earth they created a policy like that. If you want to be fair, then make the distribution for the couches to both sexes fairly. No more unisex couches. Just specify 5 for men and 5 for women or to be fairer, no coaches for specific sex. Just make all of them unisex coaches. Wait...Do not say anything yet. Wait for my explanation. I had to force myself to enter one of the couches for unisex and guess what? I found many women in the couches and I could see the couches for women were not so full like the unisex couches. If only I own that train service, I would ask women to fill up the couches for women first.
I learnt about gender equality and met quite many women who believe in gender equality. They fight for it. Women.If you really mean what you are fighting for, then better be fair in every aspect. You want equal treatment right? Equal rights, equal payment, no more glass escalator and what so ever. Why don't you start by asking the train service to abolish the couch policy. Fight for your sitting in the train equally like men do. Oh now you want to say for sure men have advantage because of their physical. Yeah men do have advantage in term of physical but hey,you want people to treat you equally so you have to fight for it. Women always complaining about being treated unequally but actually people are treating you equally. You want people to aid you then you will feel people are treating you equally. If you want a fair life, you do not have to seek for aids from others. Not fair. If women need aids from people then men also can seek for aids and it becomes gender inequality again. LULZ.
Oh yeah. You know the term gentleman? There is no such things as gentlewoman.Why is that?Because men are expected to treat women softer and protect them. The best part is women who fight for gender equality also use the word gentleman to men who treat them softly. In a nut shell, it means that they still long for men to treat them softer and differently. You know, if a man treat a woman just like a man treat another man even with respect like you talk to a man politely (polite here means it is polite enough for men), they won't call you gentleman. Hey where is the fairness in this situation? Why do women expect men to treat them in different manner? Why do men need to treat women more polite and softer? Funny though. If women want really want gender equality then expect no different in terms of the way of people treat women.
In my opinion, women are always behind men. Men always a leader unless there are areas or situations where men are useless like you are married to a useless man. Based on my reading, the term gender equality came from a place and era where men were jerks and useless. They abused their power and denied all the basics rights for women. That is so wrong.Women lost faith in men to let them lead. That is why women want equality in every aspect. For me I do agree in gender equality but at certain things women should not ask for gender equality. Do not fight for gender equality at things that you do not know because it turns out that you are the one who becomes unfair. LULZ. By the way I am not a gentleman. I treat women and men indifferently. If you misbehave then I treat you like you deserve regardless your sexes. You know, among things that I hate the most are men who are useless and abusive and for women is women who have no manners. Arghhh...I am so sleepy...I cannot think properly anymore.
Good night dear...Grandpa always loves you.bye2

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