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Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm in dilemma

Evening my dear grandchildren. I am so busy right now because my practical has started. I have so many things to share with you but today I want to let you know I'm in dilemma. Okay, I get to teach year 3 students. The class is a mixed ability class. I have very bright students and also I have very slow learner students. Everytime I conduct my lesson, the weak students are left behind in order to favour the majority students ( average and bright students). Can you imagine, when I'm explaining to the majority students, the weak students keep following me just to ask simple questions like " Sir, what is yellow?"..I was like @_@"...Sometimes I have to ignore them...I feel so bad for them...I feel guilty...
I asked my teacher what should I do, then she said I should ignore the weak students...=_="...Just now I had an argument with my teacher because I do not agree with her idea to keep ignoring them.I feel pity to the weak students.You know, when they asked me questions, I looked straight into their eyes.I could see they were hoping me to change them.Their eyes shook me to the very core...I do not want them come to the school and learn nothing...I want them at least learn a word per day..
So I come out with a plan. I want to make extra class for my students. For the weak students. I have two big obstacles. The teacher and their parents.I need to get permission from both parties.Wish me luck please.I need luck.I do not do this for fame, I do this just because I feel it is my responsibility to change them.I think that's all I want to say. We'll see again okay...nite2 dear...bye2

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