When I was a little kid, I always kept telling to myself "I am not going to hurt anybody". It turns out to be a lie.I hurt people and though time passes by,they are still suffering.First of all,the reality of the world is very different from what's in your imagination when you were a kid.You will learn that the world has teeth.It bites you even you do not provoke it.As it bites you,you will feel like breathing when you are drown.Suddenly your only light of hope becomes dimmer every second.You wonder what you have done wrong.It's a cold world.Your only sun has burnt out.The only way to stay alive is to be strong.That is the only choice.Well,you do not know how strong you are until the only choice is to be very strong.
Tik tik tik.And without you realise,it has become a very old history.You feel like it just happened yesterday.It is just so vivid.Everything.Sometimes to tell which one is reality and the past is difficult.No more hurting other people.