Yea tomorrow I am going back to my hometown. I can't wait to do things that I enjoy doing. You know since I was a kid there are things that I keep doing them till I grow up. I come from a village setting environment so I grew in that environment. Enjoy doing dirty things for some but for me they are fun. Fishing, playing in mud, hunting birds all those things entertain me till this moment. Can't wait to do things together with my friends. Sometimes I am not sure whether we are brave or just plain stupid. Now I am trying to finish up my assignments so that we can enjoy ourselves later. I am pretty sure you guys will not read this but hey that's my point of writing this. I do not like people who are closely related to me know what is going on in my mind. I am secretive. Oh by the way, I learnt a lot of new things. The problem is I do not know with whom should I share my new knowledge. People around me here are not really appreciate the knowledge that I just learnt. That is so sad. I hope I will find someone who really appreciate what I've learnt even though the knowledge is not significant for her but she is willing to listen to widen up her knowledge. I love new knowledge even I do not really will use it but it is for the sake of expanding and enrich myself. I am off to bed now. Are you the one?Good night