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Sunday, October 16, 2011


Good evening my dear grandchildren. It has been awhile. Tonight out of nowhere I feel like I want to write but most probably about random things. Wait for awhile I am recalling things that I want to write. 1,2,3...I wish everyday is Sunday so that I can watch the latest episode of One Piece anime everyday. The anime is so exciting and makes me feel like"I can't wait for next episode". Sad to say it only released once a week. Oh yea before I forget, you know I am watching Beethoven Virus drama right? The funny part is I skip the part where they show romantic scenes because I only interested in scenes about music and conflicts between the characters, not between couple. So I get a good drama by doing that. I just finished chatting with my friend. Now he is working in a Forex company. I am so glad we still keep in touch. We made a promise to travel together in 3 years time. Hopefully we will have the chance to travel together.Now I realize I have made many promises. Okay after this no more promises. Now we move on to other thing. Do you use vulgar words in your daily life? Frankly speaking yes I do. I do curse using vulgar words but I do not mean to hurt people by using them. It is just for fun because when you combine vulgar words with some random things, they will become something so random. When I am in serious situation, I do not use vulgar words to express my feelings because for me people who usually curse and use vulgar words are immature, not clever enough and most importantly they have limited vocabulary. That is why they use vulgar words to express their emotions. Sometime I do feel irritated when I hear women and girls use vulgar words. I am not being sexual stereotyping or feminist, but when I see any woman, I have respect for them. Higher respect than men. When they start to utter vulgar words, my respect to them becoming lower and lower then I will treat them just like I treat men. Then they will feel I am being disrespectful but they are the one who make me act like that. Even to men also I feel irritated when they curse using vulgar words.
Eh, it is late already. I need to sleep. Good night dear...Love you so much...bye


  1. vulgar words are used by people who needs attention

  2. Vulgar words are used by people who have limited vocabulary to express their feelings in order to gain attention
